Anaconda CCCS Adult Detention Facility

Contract Value:
$1.86 Million
Anaconda, MT
General Contractor:
Swank Enterprises, Inc.
KMD Architects & Planners PC
Interface Engineering
Year Completed:

Anaconda CCCS Adult Detention Facility

The $12.3 million home of the Sanction, Treatment, Assessment, Revocation and Transition, or START, is an assessment/ sanction center located 6 miles northeast of Anaconda, Montana off Highway 48.  The new 40,000- square-foot building’s services are geared toward men who have violated conditions of their community placement, such as pre-release, probation and parole. It assesses offenders, instead of sending them directly back to prison.

The new START facility is split into four living units: two cell blocks, one block with open dormitory- style bunks for lower-level offenders and 10 additional single cells for offenders with mental health conditions.  The facility is designed with 142 regular beds plus the additional 10 beds for special needs. The facility is also equipped with a four cell wing which may be used as a locked housing unit area.  A dayroom, yard and gym permit recreational activities for the housed offenders.  The gym and recreation yard activities are directly supervised by staff.  In addition, the recreation yard fence is equipped with a double row of razor wire.

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